Public Assistance and Resources
For current Public Health updates, please visit: www.phdmc.org/coronavirus-updates
To received the vaccine find a clinic near you by visiting gettheshot.coronavirus.ohio.gov.
Citizens seeking assistance and services are encouraged to use these virtual and phone options to get help:
Unemployment Benefits: unemployment.ohio.gov or 1-877-644-6562 (TTY service: 1-614-387-8408)
Job Seekers: (937) 225-JOBS (5627)
Medicaid 1-844-640-6446.
The Ohio Department of Aging will be hosting a series of webinars starting to ensure facilities have access to all the information and resources necessary for safe and healthy operations.
- More information about these webinars can be found on the department’s website at aging.ohio.gov.
Memory Care Guides
Solid Waste and Recycling Services: www.mcswd.org
Report Child Abuse or Neglect: 937-224-KIDS (5437)
Child Support: jfs.ohio.gov or 937-225-4600 (10 AM - 4 PM, M-F). Child Support payments can be made at oh.smartchildsupport.com.
Alcoholics Anonymous Need help reach out at alcoholicsanonymous.com, Here is our resource guide for AA help in your state: https://sober.com/aa-meetings/ohio/new-lebanon-ohio/
Start Your Recovery is a website developed by bringing together experts in substance use disorder treatment from leading nonprofit, academic, and government institutions. Our goal is to offer people a single source of relatable, reliable information at any stage of their substance use recovery journey. Click here for a directory of substance abuse disorder resources in Ohio.
Montgomery County Recorder: County Administration Building, 451 W. Third Street, Dayton, Ohio 45422, 5th Floor. Title searches may be conducted online at www.mcrecorder.org. Call 937-225-4275 for assistance.
Bureau of Vital Statistics (Birth/Death Records): www.vitalchek.com or 937-496-3117
For businesses:
Small Business Administration Disaster Recovery Loans: Long-term, low-interest loans to help businesses recover are available at https://disasterloan.sba.gov/ela/
Resources for businesses: BusinessFirst! for a Greater Dayton Region, a collaborative economic development organization, has compiled several resources for local businesses, available here.